Christian Living

Up and Away: Pray Without Ceasing

Jasmine Le'Shea

Uh Oh

The flight attendants already explained the aircraft’s safety precautions, the seatbelt light was on, and the plane was moving down the runway when DING!–it dawned on me I hadn’t prayed! So of course, I proceeded to pray.

I asked God to keep us safe on the flight, to provide a safe landing when we reached our destinations, and to keep all passengers safe as we travelled to our respective cities. As I prayed, I remembered I didn’t have to pray so quickly, nor should I. In fact, I found it a bit difficult to recall the last time I had a time of communion with the Lord that was free of distraction and that wasn’t bound by time. A pleasurable feeling came over me! I had been overwhelmed by life’s happenings until I was reminded of the calm found in having alone time with my Savior.

Wow! How had I forgotten? Every good and perfect gift comes from Jesus, so of course spending time with him, the Giver, has to be great! How had I become so distracted that I had forgotten that the most amazing love one can ever know is near and wants to spend time with me. After a long period of thanks to Jesus for this reminder, I found myself up at least 30,000 feet from the ground, away from distractions, and in prayer to my Lord.

Prayer for our Good

God commands us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing. He gives us this great command for His glory, but also for our good! Oh my brothers and sisters, prayer is beautiful and amazingly beneficial. It’s also a great privilege that would not have been afforded to us if not for the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When our Lord gave His life for our sins, arose from the dead, and ascended into heaven with God the Father, He tore the veil that separated us sinners from Him. Unlike before, we’re now able to enter the holy place of one-on-one communication with God.

Don’t Delay, Pray Now

I don’t want you to leave reading this merely just wanting to pray more. Instead, I hope you’ll indeed pray more. Let’s start now. When you can, go to a quiet place and join me in praying the following prayer, and continue as the Holy Spirit leads:

Lord Jesus, giver of every good and perfect gift, please ignite passion and desire within my heart and in the hearts of your people to recall often the privilege and beauty of communion with you through prayer. I love you, we love you. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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