The Church The Arts

Liberty and Justice for All – Theological Reflections on the Dream


by Karen Ellis, Main Contributors

In an address to Covenant College students in Honor of Martin Luther King Day 2013, RAAN contributor Karen Angela Ellis discusses:

1. Human rights, which finds its theological underpinnings rooted in the image of God, as the basis for Civil rights.

2. The relationship between the “suppression of truth in unrighteousness” and the violation of human rights, and its destructive qualities for both oppressed and oppressor.

3. The relationship between earthly justice and freedom, and righteous judgment and liberty.

4. The defense of the image of God on earth, and the suffering that will result for those who pursue the cause of the defense of His image.

Read full manuscript here or listen to the speech here.

3 thoughts on “Liberty and Justice for All – Theological Reflections on the Dream

  1. Karen Ellis

    Thanks for the encouragement, gentlemen. I’m grateful for this forum where all can share ideas and learn from each other. KE

  2. george canady

    Thank you Karen for your take on this issue from the Romans 1 perspective. I have ofen wondered what the cost to the church and a nation when it suppresses this truth that is known by all men.. saved or unsaved.

  3. Phillip Michael Holmes

    Great article!

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