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What African Americans Bring to Reformed Theology

The Witness

Over at Desiring God, Co-Founder and President, Jemar Tisby, shares what African Americans bring to Reformed Theology. He writes:

Reformed theology is theology in process. Semper reformanda, we say — always reforming.

As a body of thought, Reformed theology is not complete. The challenge and opportunity for Christians is not to revise the biblical principles but to make our doctrinal formulations more biblical — and faithfully apply them in different cultures and contexts.

Developing Theology in Community

One of the goals for the Reformed African American Network (RAAN) is to “develop theology in community.” As the network took shape, we knew we had to avoid any kind of theological imperialism. While it’s true that the African American community can benefit from Reformed theology as it stands, Blacks have much to offer from their own theological and cultural heritage as well.

Our hope with RAAN is that as more voices contribute to the conversation, a more robust theology emerges — one that is both increasingly committed to the Scriptures and is primed to be applied in different cultures, contexts, and situations.

You can read the rest over at Desiring God.

2 thoughts on “What African Americans Bring to Reformed Theology

  1. Michael Snow

    …always reforming. Yes, and in need of it.

  2. Tony

    This is good.

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