Author: Rasool Berry

Rasool Berry serves as teaching pastor at The Bridge Church in Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor's degree in Africana Studies and Sociology. He is currently seeking his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. He is committed to helping people live out a biblical framework for social justice. Rasool has also served with Cru for 20 years in a variety of roles. He now serves with the Embark Network, a division of Cru focused on millennials and 'Gen Z'.  Rasool hosts the “Where Ya From?” podcast which uses stories to connect us to people applying their faith for social change. He also was the host of “In Pursuit of Jesus”, a travel documentary series in collaboration with Our Daily Bread. Rasool pursues Jesus across the globe, into homes and personal lives, to explore His impact on culture, and experience His truth the way other cultures do. Rasool’s pursuit demystifies the central principles of Jesus—love, change, and justice—and how each of us can easily incorporate those elements into our lives. Rasool is passionate about traveling, music, cooking and eating, and inspiring people to live in light of eternity. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife Tamica and their Daughter Ire’Ana.
The Church Current Events Christian Living Identity

What Did God Really Say? Reflections on Candice Benbow & Dr. Howard John Wesley — Part 3

Rasool Berry

Read Part 1 and Part 2 here! Paul vs Jesus? Another case Benbow makes is that the Apostle Paul should be canceled because he approved the killing of Christians. She argues that his words are in contradiction with Jesus and should be valued less since Paul was once a “murderer of Christians.” She suggests Paul, […]

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Theology Current Events Christian Living

What Did God Really Say? Reflections on Candice Benbow & Dr. Howard John Wesley — Part 2

Rasool Berry

Read Part 1 here!   Experience vs. Exegesis Both Candice Benbow and Dr. Howard John Wesley express value for the Bible, but challenge the idea of its reliability and therefore its authority. Benbow argues that experience should be prioritized over the Bible. Wesley also places experience as criteria that can be placed above the Scripture […]

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Theology The Church Current Events Christian Living

What Did God Really Say? Reflections on Candice Benbow & Dr. Howard John Wesley — Part 1

Rasool Berry

My first impression of Christianity was that the God it spoke of said “white is right” and “black is bad.” Before I was born, my parents had left their Catholic and Baptist traditions to follow Minister Elijah Muhammad who started the Nation of Islam (hence the origin of my Arabic name). I understood early on […]

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