Theology The Arts

Persecution in the Global World: An Interview with Carl and Karen Ellis


Editors Note: I chose to use this headline because I thought strong language was appropriate considering the seriousness of what is taking place overseas to our brothers and sisters. I think the phrase “n*gger of the global world” appropriately provides a helpful (though not perfect) visual to the suffering, dehumanization and overall treatment of many Christians in the east. Also the Karen uses this phrase from a quote in her article over at The Front Porch. – Phillip Holmes, Co-founder

Jemar & Phillip sit down with Carl and Karen Ellis to discuss the persecution of the global church, how their condition parallels with the historical plight of Blacks in America and the unique calling to Blacks in the mission field.

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[Tweet “African Americans have a special window into the sufferings of the global church. – KE”]

[Tweet “God has given us as AA Christians a story that the world wants to hear. – CE”]

[Tweet “The congregation was told to stay in the church and burn or come out and be shot. – KE”]

[Tweet “KKK tactics are being used against Christians abroad. – KE”]

[Tweet “When we face death, theological differences get put on hold. – CE”]

[Tweet “We are an global body of Christ and when one part of the body hurts, we should all feel pain.”]

[Tweet “Right now we have the luxury to divide (over theological differences). – KE”]

[Tweet “No system of doctrine…can completely contain what the scripture says, except for the scriptures.”]

[Tweet “We have to recognize how our enemy views us. – CE”]

[Tweet “Its too easy to share the info of Christians suffering for Christ, and yet the media is silent.”]

[Tweet “Christians need to see things through a different lens. – CE”]

[Tweet “Don’t think of the persecuted Christians as victims, they have entered into the suffering of Christ.”]

[Tweet “It pains me that Christians tend to be such low information voters. – KE”]

[Tweet “Prayers don’t know boarders…they can go where we can’t. – KE”]

[Tweet “The mainstream media will report things in a sanitized way if they report at all. – CE”]

[Tweet “The mainstream media is ABC ‘anybody but Christians’. – CE”]

5 thoughts on “Persecution in the Global World: An Interview with Carl and Karen Ellis

  1. Asiyah

    Wow…I am blown away by the depth of this interview. I think I need to take another listen. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Phillip Michael Holmes

    Thanks for the wise words brother! Helpful thoughts.

  3. george canady

    I think even Paul used a vulgar term to describe something in a way that his audience would understand as equivocation. Some have had a problem with the cultural equivalent of the word dung. I don’t think R. C. Sproul is confused on what Paul meant. I liked the straight forwardness of Pastor T. also when describing the act of homosexual sex. I guess you were already thinking of the heat you would take anyway? Join the crowd. I think its a good one. All things in context.

  4. Phillip Michael Holmes

    Hey Tamika,

    Thanks so much for asking and for reading the content.

    I chose to use this headline because I thought strong language was appropriate considering the seriousness of what is taking place overseas to our brothers and sisters. I think the phrase “n*gger of the global world” appropriately provides a helpful visual to the suffering, dehumanization and overall treatment of many Christians in the east.

    Also the Karen use this phrase from a quote in her article over at the Front Porch (

  5. Tamika May

    I am taken back by the title of this interview. What is the reasoning behind using it ?

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